Thursday, April 29, 2010

Here is the first real entry to my new blog. For the last few weeks I have been contemplating what it is I would share. I could think about it forever - but it is time to jump in and start! I thought I would begin by expressing what I am working on and what I am thinking about.
I have just returned from the third Aziza Weeklong held in lovely Sanford, Florida. I had the pleasure of working with 20 passionate dancers from all over the US and a couple from abroad. It was a truly inspiring week and I came home from the event with renewed energy. It is special for me to be able to connect with these women. With all of the traveling I do throughout the year I cherish being able to get to know these dancers and get to see them grow.
Now that I am back in Montreal I am gearing up for for my next ambitious tour. This tour will take me to Malaysia, Tokyo, and Turkey. I have been to Tokyo before but it will be my first time to both Malaysia and Turkey. I am working on a new pop choreography and a new workshop concept with drills for finger cymbals. It is thrilling to think of going to a new country with new material!
To tackle my new projects I have been channeling the enthusiasm and boundless energy of thenewest member of our family, Lily. Lily is a 3 month old golden retriever puppy. When I think of Lily I think of unconditional love, patience, and endless energy. These are the qualities I am now trying to bring into the studio when I am creating something new. Especially patience! I am excited to see how my new muse will influence my new work. There may well be some extra happy puppy moves thrown in!

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